Monday, June 2, 2008

It's been a while...

Between school, work, laziness, I haven't been here much lately, but I vow to put some time in here once I get my questionnaires out for the research I'm working on right now. Lately I have been thinking about (and trying to put into action) the following principles:

-will power/self-discipline
-charity/not judging others

The work associated with these principles is EXTREMELY difficult, as I think anyone who is striving to walk on the straight path knows. In one moment you may be very self-aware and in the next moment a particular thought or emotion knocks you completely out of focus and you find yourself unaware of your thoughts or actions which, of course, can lead to a poor choice which can range from a wayward thought or an unkind word. Practice, however, makes perfect and prayer and meditation are the best ways to remain focused and self-observant.

Time for bed! I don't know why I always do this on Sunday nights (it's the long naps I am often able to take after church).

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