While I do pretend to submit to you an authoritative definition of this term since its use is highly debatable and subjective, my personal definition is something like this: The term "intelligence" is one linguistic symbol we can use to describe the individual idiosyncratic beings, or points of consciousness (sometimes called "spirits" or "spirit children" in my spiritual tradition) that inhabit reality; in other words, you and I are "individual intelligences" with the capacity to create and develop eternally.
Below you'll find a statement about the word "intelligence" from a neo-gnostic source which I think adds a valuable dimension to my own definition. I hope you find this uplifting and helpfulin some small way:
"...intelligence is synonymous with the capacity to create. When understood in this way, our modern understanding of the word “intelligence” is revealed as being flawed. Real intelligence is creative power. Genuine intelligence is the ability and the means to create. But this is not the entire definition of intelligence. If we were to state a definition for intelligence, we would say: Intelligence is the intention and the ability to act in a beneficial way.
In other words, intelligence is the capacity to act, to create; but true intelligence—transcendental intelligence, superior intelligence—is creative power that is beneficial. In whatever scenario, in whatever situation, it is the ability to act in a beneficial way.
Another way of looking at this is to say that intelligence is the understanding of how to convert energy into a useful consequence, a result—how to work with matter and energy in order to produce the desired result.
When we look at the miracle of this physical body that we have, we see that it implies the existence of tremendous intelligence. The awe-inspiring sophistication of the many interdependent systems that sustain the moment to moment life that we enjoy, is so enormous that our simple mind cannot grasp it; we cannot comprehend it. Even the top scientists and doctors of these times cannot explain the physical body that we have; they have a limit to how much they can understand.
This is also true when we look at nature as a whole. In the entirety of nature we see an enormous, sophisticated, delicately balanced system of interlocking and interdependent laws, whose beauty and sophistication is beyond the capacity of our simple intellect to truly grasp."
Three meanings of Intelligence, Intelligences
“Intelligence has several meanings, three of
which are: (1) It is the light of truth which gives
life and light to all things in the universe. It has
always existed. (2) The word intelligences may
also refer to spirit children of God. (3) The
scriptures also may speak of intelligence as
referring to the spirit element that existed before
we were begotten as spirit children.”
– “The Guide to the Scriptures,” Study Helps,
LDS.org (http://www.lds.org/scriptures)
From Jack Helgeson's Adult Religion clsss in Kaysville Utah
Divine Intelligence – the ability to apply knowledge for good
Intelligence will forsake the evil one...
“The glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth. Light and truth forsake that
evil one.” – D&C 93:36-37
“For intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth;
virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light...” – D&C 88:40
“He who has intelligence, or the light of truth, will forsake completely "that evil one." To forsake
the evil one, as Jesus did, is an act of high intelligence and superlative wisdom.”
– Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Even As I Am, p.29.
The power to properly apply knowledge...
“Pure intelligence comprises not only knowledge, but also the power to properly apply that
knowledge.” – Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, p.58
“One of the primary purposes of mortality is to learn—to gain knowledge and intelligence. Doctrine
and Covenants 93:36 states, “The glory of God is intelligence.” You might think intelligence means being
gifted in academic work, but intelligence also means applying the knowledge we obtain for righteous
purposes.” – Elder David A. Bednar, “The Glory of God Is Intelligence,” Liahona, Oct. 2007
Not the same as IQ...
“The word intelligence as we encounter it in section 130, by the way, is not the usual "IQ" kind of
measurement. This "intelligence" discerns, learns, and applies true and correct principles; it reflects a
composite of knowledge and wise behavior. It combines cognition and application. This reflects the highest
type of intelligence, and the blended result will rise with us in the resurrection (see D&C 130:18).”
– Elder Neal A. Maxwell, That Ye May Believe , p.37.
Intelligence is another name for wisdom; a person of limited knowledge can rise in intelligence...
“The Glory of God is intelligence. ...The intelligent man is he who seeks knowledge and uses it in
accordance with the plan of the Lord for human good. ... Intelligence, then, becomes but another name for
wisdom. In the language of mathematics we may say that knowledge, plus the proper use of knowledge,
equals intelligence, or wisdom... Thus it often happens that a person of limited knowledge but who
earnestly and prayerfully obeys the law, rises to a higher intelligence or wisdom, than one of vast Gospel
learning who does not comply in his daily life with the requirements of the Gospel. Obedience to law is a
mark of intelligence.” – Elder John A. Widtsoe, Conference April 1938; Doctrine and Covenants Student
Manual, p. 220.
Christ inherited intelligence; Satan has knowledge but not intelligence...
“Christ inherited his intelligence from his Father. There is a difference between knowledge and pure
intelligence. Satan possesses knowledge, far more than we have, but he has not intelligence or he would
render obedience to the principles of truth and right. Pure intelligence comprises not only knowledge, but
also the power to properly apply that knowledge.” – Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, p.58
Intelligence can be increased, enlarged through “diligence and obedience”...
“Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.
And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience
than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.” – D&C 130:18-19
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